Thursday, May 31, 2018

The Psycology of Winning #9: Positive Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is important because its the perception of yourself to look at your strengths and weaknesses. Self-awareness can also help you understand others and how they precieve you. If you lack self-awareness you are able to gain it by doing two things. Those things include you changing your thoughts and also the interpretations you make in your mind. Developing self-awareness isnt something easy to do but, there are certain things you can do to change that. Things such as focusing on your behavior and feelings more often. I personally think that self-awareness is the first step in reaching your goal or mastering something. Being aware of something will help you acknowledge the pros and cons of it. Knowing the pros and cons of something will let you know wha your getting into. That is why you should always be aware of the decisions you are making. I personally have self-awareness incorperated in my life already. I use self-awareness to make reasonable decisions at all times. 

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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Psycology of Winning #8: Positive Self-Dimension

Self-dimension is an important characteristic to have in your life. In order to have self-dimension, you need to be able to look into yourself. By doing this you are able to see your flaws and faults. When you get to find that side of you, you need to be strong enough to make a change. Its better to deal with any problems that you have with yourself the day you recognize them. The reason why I recommend that is because your mind is set that you did wrong and because of that you will start to find ways to resolve your problems. Some say need help and that is normal. Most of the time its better that someone tells you your faults in order for you to recognize them. When someone has self-dimension they will do things at once. They wont leave something for another day. They handle their buisness the day of without any problem. And if maybe one day they wernt able to to finish onething the day of, they will get back on it the next day and finish it. 

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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The Psychology of Winning #6: Positive Self-Discipline

Dicipline is a habit, not an adaption in life. When you have dicipline in your life you avoid problems with others. Avoiding problems and making the best out of everything is a positive thing everyone should do. One of the main reaswons why dicipline is so important is because it helps you focus. People with strong goals are more focused than the typical person. They use self-dicipline in order to achieve not only their goals but, also what they are responsible for doing. Another reason why dicipline is so important is becuase it will allow others to respect you. If you lack dicipline when talking to others, they wont respect you. That is why you should treat others with respect in order to recieve back. Staying active is also another characteristic that dicipline gives you. It helps you stay active and avoids you from being lazy. Taking the easy way out wont give you statisfactory results. Its important that you do things in the way that they are ment to be at all tmes. Use your body and mind to help you achieve a positive active postition. 

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Friday, May 18, 2018

The Psycology of Winning #5: Positive Self-Control 

Self-control is a nessecessary characteristic to have. The reason why its so important is becuase you need to be able to control yourself when things get difficult. The way you control your actions will affect your reputation. Its important that you have a good reputation because you want to be trustworthy not only to yourself but also to others. When someone sees that you have a good reputation they trust you with tasks that only someone that is able to do a good job will do. The way you control your actions towards others will affect your relationship the new people that you meet later on in life. Self-control is also important becuase you need to be able to be patient with others around you. Life is mostly about the decisions you make but, its also about how patient you are. For instance, when you are wating to get a call back from a job, you need to be able to wait for that call becuase others are applying for the same job. If you are patient and wait your turn appropiatly then you won't down grade your reputatiom. I'm going to make sure that i apply this psycology of winning block into my life by being more patient with others. Also, I will also make sure to be more understanding and patient with myself in order to have a good reputation. 

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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Note-taking Software Applications

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Note Taking 
  • Google Keep
  • Evernote
  • Microsoft One Word
  • Simple Note
  • DropBox Paper
  • Zoho Office Suite
  • Quip
  • Wunderlist
  • Todoist
  • Hack Pad
  • Box Notes
  • Bear
  • Ulysses
  • Notebook
  • Noteability      
The Psycology of Winning #4: Positive Self-Direction

Positive self-direction is an opprotunity that everyone has to be able to show maturity. You are responsible for pushing yourself in a positive direction. Everyone in life has a purpose. Although not many people havent found that purpose, you need to push yourself to find that purpose and work on it daily. When you have a goal in life it will keep your mind busy and away from all negativity. It is imppotant that you self direct yourself to positive things and people. It is also very important that you help others direct themselves to a positive future. It is very important that you focus on yourself but, it also important that your not selfish. People will have difficulty finding their self direction so, its nice to give a helping hand and help someone have a brighter future and they develope a new and improves self characteristic. One thing is helping yourself but, another thng is helping others get out of trouble and help them become a more happier person. Having a positive mindset will also help alot when your trying to have self-direction. With positivity and self-direction combined nothing is impossible. All is possible with self-determination, self-direction, self-image, and self-expectancy. 

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Thursday, May 10, 2018

Who'S Who in Computer Science

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs contributed to the technology field by being the co-founder of the company Apple Inc. Steve was born and raised in San Fransisco during the 1960's. Steve was born in February 24, 1955 and passed away in October 5, 2011 due to a pancriatic tumor. Steve attended Reed College in 1972. He dropped out of college the same year he came in. Instead, he traveled to India in 1974 to study Zen Buddahism. After this Jobs helped the develop visual effects industry by funding the computer graphics division. He wasnt only helping himself to develop tecnology but, he was also helping others by finding the project. In 2011, Steve Jobs net was worth around 6.5 billion with Pixar and Disneyland. In 1974 Steve Jobs took a position as a videogame designer with Atari (videogame brand). In 1976 When Steve Jobs was 21, he started to build the Apple computer in his garage with Steve Wozniak. Both Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak created a revolutionary computer. The computer that they created was revolutionary because they made the computer to have the latest technology with an afordable price. Not only that but, the computer was also travel friendly and is easily accessible. Because of this reasoon, Apple products were a big hit. This made Steve Jobs one of the people that contributed the most into the technology field. 

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The Psycology of Winning

Denis Waitley

Positive Self-Motivation

The self-motivation of someone should be used at all times. The reason why you should always be self motivated is because you need to be able to have motivation in order to do something. Motivation brings determination and self-confidence. If you are able to motivate yourself, especially in a competition you will succeed. Its not all about the motivation, its also about being able to put yourself in a mind set of positivity. The integrity of your motivation will help you feel more better about yourself. Ive noticed that people who have lots of motivation will have days where they dont really feel like motivation themselves. If this happens and they dont do nothing about it, then they dont have true motivation. Only someone that is truly motivational to themselves and others will be able to motivate themselves when their feeling down. Im sure that denis put this as one of his psycology winning blocks becuase if you have no motivation to win a competition then there is no reason why to be in that competition. You need to be motivated to help yourself and others when it is needed. With motivtion like this you will be able to achieve success and you will also be able to achieve your goal in life. 

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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Psychology of Winning

Denis Waitley

Positive Self-Expectancy

The first quality that Denis gave us is to have positive self-expectancy. Denis tells us that true winners go into every competition expecting to win and succeed. I think that this is very impotant that we think this way because in that way we will be expecting to give it our best. When you put you mind and soul into a competition only success will come out of it. Its important not to think about failure when going imto a compretition. Its good to think about winning. By doing this is will help you stay positive and try you best to win. It is also very important to challenge yourself. If you know that you area unable to do something try doing something similar that will give you the sense of what you can't do. By challenging yourself and keeping a positive mind set you will be able to succeed in everything. If you do try your hardest but you dont succeed then make sure you congradulate the winner. Also, by having loses you are able to become stronger and more powerful by practicing that specific material. I recently applied this quality in my life by presenting my senior defence. I was given the option to either record my presentation without a panel, or present in front of a panal which is one of my worst fears. I decided to challene myself and make my twelve years of school count. Right before the presentation I went in the room with the most positivity that I could have. Although I was a bit shaky, I accomplished my worst fear and I felt an amazing because I did something that was imposible to me. Im very proud that I
 decided to challenge myself because I got to see what I am capable of doing. 

Friday, May 4, 2018

The Ten Tips for Being More Truthful

Barabra A. Lewis

The ten tips that Barabra Lewis gave will benifit my life in a positive way. Barabra suggests to make a commitment to telling the truth. She also sugggests to think before you use any sarcasm. What was really intresting to me about these ten tips was tip number ten. Tips number ten tells us to treat ourselves when we tell the truth. I think that its a good way to prevent youself from saying another lie. When there is an award after what we are told to do people will give it ther 100% in order to achieve that award. I think that rewarding yourself is a good thing to do because it will make you want to do more good things becuase you will wait for an award after. Tip number five suggest that we shouldent twist the truth. It also explains how we shouldent be apart of it either. I am applying this tip in my life right now in order to prevent myself for saying another lie. I've grown up to see life change not only for me, but for others around me. Out of all the tips I think that catching yourself lying and stopping it is the more complex tips of them all. This requires courage and sense of guiltyness. It is important to be aware that when you catch yourself in a lie you stop the lie and change the subject. In the end of that day, a lie leads to another lie and another lie. You need to be aware that lies can and will bring negativity in your life. Its always good to stay away for unnessesary negativity. Finally, it's important to be able to talk to yourself. The reason why this is important to do is becuase you need to have strong mind to say no to lying. When you are strong enough to do that youll see that your life will progressively get better. 

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