Friday, January 29, 2016

''I wasent trying to leave a legacy. I was trying to do what was right.''
Dean Smith

This quote that Dean Smith gave us is really important. Mostly people would love to be a legacy and be reconized. But Dean Smith is different. He dident want that honor. Dean Smith is very humble that he wouldent acept such an honor. He just wanted to do what was right and it made him the man he is today. Humble, kind, giving... Dean Smith is a man with such a nice mentality. He gave his team what they needed to become someone in life. He guided all of his basketball students to do all good. He is a man that should be respected and honored because he made lots of people feel good about themselves. The fact that he went to comfort the coach from the opposing team is something that you dont see very offten. Dean Smith is so humble that he comforted the other coach before going with his team. You dont need to be a legacy for anyone to resoect for what you did... You just have to be nice, caring, and humble so people know the type of person you are.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

''Its not about how to achieve your dreams. Its about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you.''
Dr. Randy Pausch

This quote that Randy told us lets us know that if you choose to go through the right path in life, your dreams will be fullfiled. Achieveing your dreams is possible, but it would be better and easier to lead your life in positivity. For example, If you want to becone a doctor on day, you need to lead your life into good only. Youll have to get good grades and work hard for the things you want in life. Youll have to stay away from drugs and those people that infulence you to do bad. If you were to follow their path your dreams wouldent come true. You have to have a good life for your dreams to come true. If you were to do drugs, go to parties, have low grades, it would be nearly impossible to chase the dream you have. You have to work hard for what you want in life cause its not just going to come right at you. Those who work hard to make their life better, thie future will be filled with success and positivity. Its always hard at first but thats how life it. Hard work pays off at the end. Everyhting in life can be beautiful as long as you look at it in a positive way. Anything is possible as long as you actually try and give it your all.

Monday, January 25, 2016

''Of all the work that is done or that can be done for our counrty, the greatest is that of educating the Body, the Mind, and above all the Character, giving spiritual and moral training to those who in a few years are themselves to decide the destinies of the nation''
Theodore Roosevelt

This quote is something we should all be doing. We should encourage the young ones to try their best to make our future here in the United States better. Why should we encourage bad to those who are going to be the future. We should all give them good advice to help them reach all their positive goals in life. We shouldent encourage crime... We should encourage helping others, be a good friend, get good grades in school, and most importantly choosing the right. If  we dont encourage our next generations to do good, then it will end bad. If we were to enchourage the good, only positivity will come out of it. Our young chilldren now should learn disaplin and respect so later on in life they dont have to be disrespected. Also if you have a young child, they should already know what is bad and what is wrong. Teach the children to choose the right pathand to follow for what they want in the future. What ever they choose in the future will affect all the U.S. That is why we should always lead the young children to do good. So they can see that doing good is the right thing to do.

Volunteer Opportunities

Medical receptionist: A medical receptionist has the duties of taking the getting the insurance payments from the patient, take phone calls and takes messages from the patients, and verifies patients information and insurance eligibillity. The places of work can be in any clinic or hospital of any kind. The only thing you need to volunteer for this is just to have 1-2 years of post high school education.

Inpatient hospital specialist: A inpatiend hospital specialist has to take responsibility in planning and schedual monthly metting with hospitalist, route master scheduals to medical directors for approval, and prepare and maintain monthly hospitalist mettings. To volunteer here you need your high school diploma.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

 ''Take responsibility for your own body, mind, and spirit, for your own physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.''
Mr. C. S. Haymore

This quote is explaining that if you were to have good health and a good way of acting, it will be good for you mentally and physically. Its always good to think good not only because youll feel good but it also makes you look like a good person on the outside. Now you spirit is also important. Its always good to have a good sence of humor around anyone. Nobody wants to be miserable and so deluted. Your body is something you need to take care of. Not only for you but also your health. You need to keep your health good and you can be physically proud as well. For your mind, Its very important to think positivly and only try to see the good things out of everything. This can really help the way you think and see things differently. Of course spirit is also important as well. Having a good spirit can bring lots of good things in your life. When your able to see all the good things in life you can think calm and peacfully without a worry. Having all of these things can make your life alot better and more satisfying in a way.

Lausd Student Service

Lausd provides us with help and online cources to make us high school students graduate and go to a good college. The reason why lausd is doing this is because they want us to go to collage and suceed in life. Ive also saw that lausd put up the passing grade to a C from a D. A reason why lausd did this is because they want us to be able to go to a college with no D's or F's. They also provide scholarships to those students that cant pay colladge but have good grades. Lausd also provides after school programs like ''beyond the bell'' so kids can be helped with their homework or just to have fun and play sports. Lausd also gives us summer school for those kids that have fails in their classes. Summer school is just to help you pass the class you dident pass during your actual time going to school. We also have school saftey to be able to insure that it is safe where we are. Bullying is also a big thing in schools so they provide us with some police officers or superior adults to take care of it.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

''Intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education.''
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

This quote by Martin Luther King is something you should always have in mind. The quote itself is true cause if you were to have a crazy amount of intelligence but not much character your not going to have alot of sucess. Character means alot. Dont get me wrong intelligence also matters but their both equally important. To reach the goal of education you want no matter if its just passing one class or graduating you need both character and education. Your intelligence cant make you the good person you are, thats up to you. Now if you do have character anf choose the right but have no intelligence, thas something different. To be able to reach your goal you need to have intelligence. No matter what always try to avoid all the bad people and look at the future youll have one day. The more you think about it and actually try to reach that goal it will happen. Being both intelligent and have a good character will open so much path ways in life and all of it will bring is positivity. Martin Luther King had a dream... He struggled with all the people who hated him but yet he is part of history now in days. People who dont give up for what they want is someone worthy of anything in life. Even if its impossible to achive that goal if you try and try i belive that it will happen one day.

Duties and Responsibilities: The neonatologist takes care of new born babies that are up to 4 weeks old, They also assist on helping to delivering the baby, The nepnatologist also provides special attention to those babies that have illnesses or any defects. There also in charge of providing the right medications to the babies and also the right food they need to eat.

Salary: Depending on the experience of  the neonatlolgist an annual pay should be around $145,000 - $190,000. The salary of a neonatologist keeps of rising when they have more experience with the job.

Education: To become a neonatologist, youll need to Pass a medical collage, you should at least be a doctor in medicine, have knowlage in health science, go to a program for general paramedics, and go to  a fellowship program for intensive care for infants.

Reflection: I think that with all the requirements i need to become a neonatologist i would in fact become one. I t seems like a intreating job. and i will shurly be looking at this carrer whem i get older. I love taking care of babies when i have the chance to. Although you have to be very patient with a baby and take your time so the baby doesent have to injured in any way. I have all that patience and i would love to become a neonatologist.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

''We need the courage to start and continue what we should do, and the courage to stop what we shouldn't do.''
Richard L. Evans

This quote is teaching us to stand up for our selves to become a better person. We should all have the courage to be able to follow our dreams and achivments in the future. We should be all prepared for whats coming to us in the future that is why you shoul start having courage and put all your heart in for your achivments. We should also have the courage to stop all the bad influences that try to get in our way from acheving our goal. We all have the mind strong enough to know what is right and wrong. If someone offers you drugs or ask you to ditch school, that is when your courgae comes in and stops you from doing bad and affecting your future. Those who choose the wrong path will pay for it alter on in life but right now we should all just avoid the bad and focous in what is going to help our future. Always try to follow those who also have goals cause the will bring you up and with their courage they can help you acheve the goal you have for the future. Those who have the courage to do anything to help their future but they also have the courage to say no to the bad is a person who will achive what their after for. Those people will be the ones that will have a bright future and achive what they always wanted. Of cource its a struggle having to reach the goals you have for the futue but it will be worth all that hard work and determination you out into it.

  • Duties and Responsibilities:
  1. Prepare diagnostic and treatment record.
  2. Fit dental appliances in patients mouths to adjust their jaw.
  3. Provide patients with treatment plans and cost estimates.

  • Salary:
  1. $107,487 - 158,639 (a year)

  • Education:
  1. Undergraduate degree, Doctor of dental science degree via the complection of four years of study at an accredited dental school

Reflection: I honestly dont think ill become one but maybe if I had the proper education to be one ill probably will become one. If I were to be in a medical related education ill probably choose to me a nurse in a hospital or something like that. but so far there isnt really no medical carrers that intrest me. Im more into culinary stuff and im morre into that direction but for my sister she like all the medical type of stuff so she graduated for medical school. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

''When you tell one lie, it leads to another''
Paul Hatch

This quote is explaining that if you were to tell a lie and try to cover it up with another you would be basically getting yourself in a more worse problem. Its always better to avoid lying because in that way you don't have to get in big trouble or even hurt someone else. Lies can not only hurt you, but it can hurt the people around you. Lying is a negative thing to do especially with your parents. Although its hard to let the lie out and tell someone its always better to just release yourself. The only thing that lies bring are problems and it wont get any better if you just keep them to yourself. Lying can be a big part of bulling, cheating, or dishonesty. To be a good person you should always admit the bad things you do. when you tell the truth you get to be more relived and less nervous cause you don't have to hide anything. The reason why people lie is because they want to get out of trouble of any kind. Nobody likes to be in trouble so that is why people cover up what they did with a lie. But it is never good to hide behind a lie. But it is good to not hide from anything or anyone.
''School break days''

I was mostly at home celebrating the holidays but i was also at home because there was a terrible storm involving lots of rain and heavy winds. Instead of only celebrating the holidays i also celebrated my moms birthday my family came over and we all had a good time. I watched lots of scary movies with my mom such as the human centipede. I didn't really have homework but i did study so when i came back to school i could remember all the things i did last semester. I got to meet my moms coworkers for the first time and their were really nice people. I didn't play any actual sports but i did skate a lot. I really needed sleep so i had to give myself time to sleep cause I'm normally a bit busy at times. I also gave myself the time to play my guitar cause I had new sheets of music for my music teacher. One CTR thing i did was give one of my guitars to my friend because she really wanted a guitar and she also wanted lessons so i was glad to help her. Although its the holidays, i didn't get to really eat what i wanted to eat because i went on a diet so I could lose weight and so far its going really good. i hardly get to see my sister and m brother but for the holidays i got to see them both and i was really happy. I couldn't get any gifts for my brother or my sister but my sister gave me money and my brother gave me a leather sweater and a flannel. I'm glad that this new year is going good so far and i really hope everyone can enjoy the new years with my same excitement.